Ginger and Mint Tea Recipe

Ginger and Mint Tea Recipe:


1 piece of fresh ginger (about 2-3 cm), cut into thin slices or grated
1-2 sprigs of mint (to taste)
2 teaspoons of black tea (or green)
500 ml of water
Honey or sugar to taste
Lemon slices (optional)


Heat the water in the kettle to a boil.
Add the ginger pieces and mint to the boiling water.
Then put the tea in the kettle.
Reduce the heat and let all the ingredients infuse for 5-7 minutes. The brewing time can be adjusted depending on the preferences for the strength of the tea.
Sweeten the tea with honey or sugar to taste.
If you want, add lemon slices for freshness and flavor.
Strain the tea to remove the hard parts (ginger and mint leaves).
Pour the tea into cups and enjoy a fragrant and refreshing drink.
This tea with ginger and mint is ideal for experiencing the invigorating effect of mint combined with the warmth and spice of ginger.

Useful properties:   
Tea contains useful substances.
Ginger and mint help strengthen joints.

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Ginger and Mint Tea Recipe